Speaker: Pastor Rob Burke | Series: Infinity Wars | Message Notes
Heaven: The Kingdom of God
Earth: Our Kingdom
My Kingdom: The range of our effective will
Mark 1:1
Mark 1:14-15
Let Heaven into your life
Let Heaven rule
James 3:6
Unleash Heaven wherever you live, work and play
How can I apply this?
To Do List:
Ask: “God, what is the next right thing I can do?”
Life Group Questions
Opening Question:
Ask if a few people would be willing to share about a time when they recently felt they experienced God’s love.
Digging Deeper:
1. Read Mark 1:14-15. What stands out to you in these verses? What does it mean that the kingdom of God is near? What does it look like for us to bring heaven to earth now?
2. What do these verses tell us about the essential message of the Jesus? What is explained to us in these verses?
3. What does it mean to repent? Why is repentance so important to our faith?
Life Application:
1. What does it mean to you to bring heaven here on earth? How do you see God using you to influence and make a difference in our world and especially in your 8-15? (sphere of influence)
2. Rob challenged us to unleash heaven to people where you live, work and play. Let’s start with where you live- Do you have a family member or families that need to see a glimpse of heaven? What steps can you take to show them a glimpse of heaven?
3. How about your work? How are things going with some of your 8-15 (sphere of influence) that God has put in your life? How can you work on being the good news in your workplace?
4. Think through some of the places you “play”, places where you see other people. Maybe the gym? School? Dropping off kids? Sports team? In your neighborhood? How can you be the good news to them? What does that look like for you?
5. The final challenge Rob gave us was to ask God, “What is the next right thing I can do”? How can asking that question help you on your journey and help others to hear about Jesus? What does a life of surrender look like for you?