The New Normal | Tiana Spencer | Listen & Obey | Communion Sunday | Thanksgiving Food Bank | Take a Moment | Daylight Saving Time

“The New Normal” –  Our Purpose

What if during this season we got a clearer picture of who we really are and what our purpose is in this life? This Sunday we will explore finding purpose in the way God designed us. Join us this Sunday as we look to God who gives us our identity and purpose and leads us to that new normal.


TM Conference – Tiana Spencer

Two weeks ago our staff got to virtually participate with our national movement, Transformation Ministries. Over the next few weeks we will share some of the highlights and videos that will hopefully be an encouragement and blessing as it was for us.

The video we are sharing is of Tiana Spencer who is on staff at Fellowship Church, under the leadership of Pastor Albert Tate. She presented an amazing message about unity in the body of Christ. Click on the video above to hear from her.

“Just Listen and Obey?” – Mike & Sandy Kadera

“Call to Me, and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know.” Jeremiah 33:3 (NAS)

We shared with you all back in August how the Lord has been teaching us to listen and obey, sort of like the extension of the Lectio Divina practice that Pastor Rob has been teaching us. We started praying Jeremiah 33:3 over our condo complex every morning, asking God to move spiritually among our neighbors. Within two months one of the non-Christian couples asked us to teach them the Bible. And within two weeks the wife, Janet, received Christ and a week later her husband, German, also made his decision.

Sandy and I were ecstatic. The neighbors that we were only accustomed to waving at and greeting like nice neighbors do, were now our brother and sister in Christ. But God wanted to keep showing us more of those “mighty things”. A few weeks later Sandy just mentioned in passing to Janet that our church was starting a marriage enrichment class and that to promote it everyone was being encouraged to view a free movie over the internet. Immediately Janet asked for the link and said that she was going to ask German to watch it with her. He agreed and they are now in the midst a six week on line marriage/parenting course with 15 other couples, and they are thoroughly enjoying it. This is absolutely incredible because they are very private people and definitely not accustomed to talking about their lives with total strangers.

I guess Sandy and I are finally getting it. God wants to hear our requests, but big time. So the other day I asked the Lord to tell me what’s next and here is what He told me. German and Janet’s adult daughter, Melanie, who lives with them, is going to see such incredible changes in their family that at some point she is going to ask us, “What is happening with my parents?”
Mike and Sandy Kadera
Verbo Christian Ministries

Communion Sunday

Pick up your cups – prepare your heart! We will be taking communion from our homes together as we watch the service online Sunday Before the service starts please make sure to get your bread and juice so you can celebrate Jesus’ death and resurrection together with us online. We will have communion kits in the church office between now and Friday 9 am to 5 pm.

Thanksgiving Food Bank Donations 

If you are looking for items to donate to our Food Bank we are in need of the following items to give to our clients during October, November and December to have for Thanksgiving and Christmas:

  • Cornbread mix/biscuit mix
  • Crispy Fried Onions
  • Gravy jars and/or packets
  • Cake Mix/Frosting
  • Chicken broth
  • Marshmallows
  • Boxed potatoes
  • Brown sugar
  • Pie crusts/pie filling
  • Evaporated Milk
  • Canned pumpkin

All items can be brought to the bin next to the church office Monday-Friday between 9:00 am-4:30 pm or on Sunday morning to one of the services. Thank you so much!

Take A Moment –  Your Identity As The Church

If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it. Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.1 Corinthians 12:26 NIV

Take a moment to ponder today. What is your role in the body of Christ? What does it mean that you are an integral part of the church? How is God inviting you to play your part in His story?

Daylight Saving Time officially ends at 2:00 am on Sunday, November 1st, when we revert back to Standard Time. Don’t forget to set your clocks back an hour on Saturday night – and enjoy an extra hour of sleep.

Operation Christmas Child Collection Week – November 16 through November 23.

Operation Christmas Child Collection Week – November 16 through November 23. Bring your boxes to the church office by Monday, November 23 to be included in Operation Christmas Child. Boxes and lists available in the church office.

Join Us Live – In Person or Online

Don’t miss our 9 am Traditional Service and 9 & 10:30 am Contemporary Service this Sunday online. The 9 am Traditional Service will be on our Wilshire Ave Traditional YouTube page. Our 9 am & 10:30 am Contemporary Services will be on our Wilshire Avenue Church YouTube Page.

Kids’ Sunday Activities

Each week in addition to attending WA Kids in person you can also watc WA Kids videos you can also you can download a pdf activity sheet from our WA App, or at RSVP for Sundays at

Book of John

Although we have concluded our series on John we encourage to keep studying John. You can use the Book of John Study Guide as a resource to help you dive deeper. Find it in the Wilshire Ave App, this online version or this PDF. Hard copies are available in the church office from 9 am to 5 pm Monday thru Friday. If you missed any of the sermons from the series you can find them at







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Mailing address: 212 E. Wilshire Ave., Fullerton, CA 92832

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