Christmas Services | Year End Giving | Operation Christmas Child | Financial Peace University  | Advent Devotional | Christmas Concert |

Christmas at Wilshire

Our Christmas services start THIS SUNDAY! We want to equip you to welcome your friends, family, and neighbors to hear about the good news and hope that we have in Jesus.

Our Christmas Services this year will be on:
– Sunday 12/20 at 4:30 pm
– Wednesday 12/23 at 4:30 pm
– Thursday 12/24 at 3 pm & 4:30 pm

Please note, we will still have service at our normal times on Sunday 12/20. At 9 am we will have a Traditional Carol Sing and at 10:30 we will have a contemporary service with Pastor Mark preaching.

Childcare will be available for children ages 2 through 5th grade at all of the services except for the 9 am service on 12/20.

An RSVP is required to attend as we may run out of space. RSVP at

Download Invites Images & Videos

To help you invite your friends you can download some images and videos to text or post on your social media. Make sure to share our Wilshire Ave posts as well to spread the word. You can download the images and videos here.
You can also text your friends this link with all of the information about our Christmas Services:

Give A Gift, Transform A Life

We worship a God who transforms lives. He is using all things to transform our community into a group of people that look and live like Jesus. Would you take part in the joy of transforming lives together by giving a year end gift above and beyond your regular tithe? You can make your gift using the button below or at


Thank You For Helping With Operation Christmas Child 

Wilshire was able to send 132 boxes this year, most of which went to Mongolia. The shoeboxes you packed are key to the mission of helping children find and follow Jesus. Each shoe box will be accompanied by “The Greatest Journey” which is a simplified version of the New Testament in each child’s language. Local pastors and trained volunteers offer a course for children who are interested in learning about the life and teachings of Jesus. Many accept Jesus as their savior, and a snowball effect occurs where entire families are converted and churches are planted. All of this often begins with one kid and one shoebox. Continue to pray for the children that will receive these boxes. Thank you so much for being a part this ministry this year.

Financial Peace University – Starting January 10

Planning for the future is hard when you’re still paying for the past. If this is your reality, there’s a better way. Studies show that 7 out of 10 Americans live paycheck to paycheck; many of the 30% of Americans who are not living paycheck to paycheck still have some level of anxiety concerning their finances. When was the last time you paid a bill late or fought with your spouse about finances? Do you have a debt? Is “budget” a bad word at your house? Imagine what you could do for the Kingdom of God, if you were debt-free. What would it feel like to be able to give freely and generously toward needs you feel passionate about, whenever God leads you to.

Financial Peace University, is a 9-week course that will begin on January 10, 2021 and will meet every week virtually at 1:00. Each weekly session starts with Dave Ramsey and others teaching on video and is followed by a powerful small group discussion. You’ll learn biblical principles for managing the resources God has given you as well as the steps it takes to create a budget, save for emergencies, and make a plan for the future. 2021 can be the year you begin to experience peace in your finances. Email for more information or sign up at


Advent Devotional

Each day of Advent we have a short devotional prepared for you to read. Before starting the guide make sure to read the introductory material.

You can read the devotionals here.

If you would prefer a printable copy you can download it here or pick up a printed copy in the church office during the week or at church on Sunday morning.

We also have ideas for how you and your family can celebrate advent together using this family advent guide.

Online Christmas Concerts 

Although we are not able to have an in person Christmas we are excited to share our online Christmas Concert with you. We currently have 3 concerts available for you to watch at or search for Wilshire Ave Traditional on YouTube. Feel free to share the link with your friends.


The purpose of tithing is to teach us to always put God first in our lives. God doesn’t need our money. He wants what it represents, 1) our gratitude, 2) our priorities 3) and our faith.

You can give to God at

Join Us Live – In Person or Online

Don’t miss our 9 am Traditional Service and 9 & 10:30 am Contemporary Service this Sunday online. The 9 am Traditional Service will be on our Wilshire Ave Traditional YouTube page. Our 9 am & 10:30 am Contemporary Services will be on our Wilshire Avenue Church YouTube Page.

Kids’ Sunday Activities

Each week in addition to attending WA Kids in person you can also watc WA Kids videos you can also you can download a pdf activity sheet from our WA App, or at RSVP for Sundays at







Copyright © 2020 Wilshire Avenue Community Church, All rights reserved. | 714.526.2265 |

Mailing address: 212 E. Wilshire Ave., Fullerton, CA 92832

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