WA Kids Opportunities
This I Know Family Faith Kit Drive-Thru Event
January 29th 6 – 7 PM
Families, bring your kids along for our drive through event. Each Family will receive a “This I Know Family Faith Kit” that is designed for families and children to learn more about the love Jesus has for them. The kit includes devotions, games, crafts, snack ideas and supplies for the month of February. Decorations and five stations will be set up in front of WA for each car to stop at and hear a special message, plus receive surprises and treats at each stop.
WA Kids Card Making Opportunity
Cards Due February 1
All kids encouraged to get creative and make valentine’s cards.
Pastor Kellie is encouraging our WA Kids to make cards to send to very special people at WA for Valentine’s Day. Cards can be made with markers, crayons, stickers, etc. They can be dropped off Monday through Friday at the church office, Sunday mornings at the WA Kids table or at the This I Know Family Drive-Thru Event. Please have all cards at church by February 1st, so we can address them and put them in the mail. Our goal is 130 cards, so kids can make as many cards as they would like. Thank you for being Difference Makers.