Our Stories – Mike & Sandy Kadera Update
Probably like Sandy and I, you have a love-hate arrangement with Romans 8:28. When things are going well it is really easy to affirm “that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” But in the midst of a crisis we aren’t always so convinced that God really knows what he is doing and that something beneficial will result from something awful. COVID-19 is a good example of that. All of the churches and ministries here in Guatemala have struggled to stay focused on what God is trying to accomplish and not what the virus is doing.
This past December, myself and the other elders of the Verbo church that Sandy and I attend were discussing the budget for 2021. The lease agreement for the building that we rent for our services and office space was up for renewal. As we talked about it one of the elders made a comment that normally would have not made any sense at all. He said that maybe we didn’t need to renew the lease. We all looked at each other (on our Zoom screens) and had one of those “aha” moments. For almost a year we have been paying rent for a building that we haven’t been using and will probably not be able to use for most of 2021. And during this time we have become effective at using the internet (Facebook, YouTube, Zoom, etc.) for our ministry needs. Our online small groups are thriving and people are giving their tithes and offerings. However, we need to improve the pastoral part and the way we do discipleship.
There are a lot of things that we need to figure out, but the point is that if it weren’t for COVID-19 we wouldn’t be having this conversation. It is forcing us to reinvent the way we do church and everything related to it. And we are excited and have no doubt that this is God’s will for our body. Yes, COVID-19 has definitely been hard on us all, but good is coming from it. Romans 8:28 is true. We can trust in God’s Word. We can believe that 2021 is going to be an incredible year for our church and its ministry.”