Boomers is a ministry to people born between 1946 – 1964 (51 – 69 approx.).
The purpose of Boomers ministry is to achieve the following:
1) Develop friendships with people in this age group and provide outreach opportunities through events and activities that are conducive to inviting friends and building camaraderie
2) Help each other grow spiritually and emotionally by encouraging each other, praying for each other, and participating in short devotionals at each event
3) Present opportunities which will allow each person to contribute to the missions and ministries of Wilshire Ave Community Church
4) Provide educational opportunities (as available) on subjects pertinent to the Boomer age group
If you wish to be placed on our e-mail distribution or mailing list, please see us at the Boomer Booth between services on Sunday Mornings or contact Lauren Carpenter 714/345-7088 or Barb Crockett 714/501-1417.