Preacher: Pastor Rob Burke | Series: Aligned

Message Notes

Jesus was about his Father’s business
Know God’s “business” plan
The Plan: Has been and will be bringing his children back home
Be Restored
Be a Co-worker
Make a plan: Please


Luke 2:49
2 Cor. 5:14-21;6-1

Life Group Discussion
Digging Deeper: 

Read 2 Corinthians 5: 14-20. What stands out to you in these verses?  How do you see the heart of God for people in these verses?


What does being reconciled to God mean to you? How have you seen your life being restored to God?


Life Application:

Our mission for Wilshire Avenue is, “Leading people to a growing relationship with Jesus”. How do you see this taking place in our church?  What does a growing relationship with Jesus look like to you?


What are some things that tend to hold us back when it comes to inviting people to church or sharing our faith with them? What fears do you have about this?

Why are called to be co-workers with God and align ourselves with Jesus, the church and other believers.  How do you feel about being a co-worker with God?  What are some ways we can do this?


Who are some of the people God has placed in your life that need to know about His love? What are some practical ways you can begin to develop those relationships and share God’s love?  Go over acronym for PLEASE- Pray, Listen, Eat, Ask, Serve, Explain.  Which of these is easiest for you?  Which is harderst?