Speaker: Pastor Rob Burke

Message Notes

The physical world matters to God.

Romans 12:2
Gen 1:27
Gen 1:31
John 1:14
1 Cor. 6:19-20

We believe the best days are yet to come!

John 14:12

You matter to God. Everyone matters to God.
 God is in the business of renewing all things

Psalm 51:10-12

God is personal. He cares about your emotions.

Luke 10:27
Genesis 1:27
Ecclesiastes 3:11
Luke 10:27
‭‭‭1 Corinthians 9:22-23

Life Group Questions
Opening Question:
Have a few people if they are willing share their story of how they came to faith and believing in Jesus.
Digging Deeper:
1. Have a few different people read the following verses: Genesis 1:27, Ecclesiastes 3:11, Luke 10:27 and John 15:12-13. What stands out to you in these verses? Do you see a common theme?

2. We are called to love people that God has created. If we are going to help people who are skeptical to “Find and Follow Jesus”, then we need to first show love and care for them. Why can this be so difficult for us at times?

Life Application

1. What are some of the reasons you hear people say they don’t believe in God or why they don’t want to follow Him?

2. Do you find it difficult to be with or deal with people who share different values than you? Explain why or why not.

3. Rob shared about how every individual matters. How could you be more loving or kind to someone that doesn’t hold to the same values that you do?

4. How do you see the importance of the way we show love and care for others a major factor in helping people who may be skeptical about faith?

5. What are some ways that you can remind yourself that God is in control when you are helping people to find and follow Jesus who may be skeptical?

Spend time praying for each other and those you know who may be struggling with skepticism