Bible Text: James 2:1-13 | Speaker: Pastor Rob Burke | Series: Faith & Works | Message Notes

Don’t show favoritism.

James 2:1

Fight against the cycle of oppression

James 2:8

Reveal the heart of God to others by showing mercy

James 2:13

Life Group Questions
Opening Question:

What is one of your favorite foods and one of your least favorite foods?

Digging Deeper:

1. Read James 2:1-13- What stands out to you in these verses?

2. Look at verses 2-4. Why is favoritism considered sin and how is it damaging to our faith and witness for Christ? In what ways might we show this kind of favoritism in church today?
3. Look at verses 10-13. What do these verses reveal about our guilt in breaking the law of God?

Life Application

1. Where are other places we try to look for validation in our lives, rather than God? What are the dangers of that?

2. Why do we sometimes treat rich people as more important than poor people? Why does God have a special concern for the poor?

3. Why is favoritism or prejudice often overlooked as a sin? Where have you seen favoritism or prejudice show up in your own heart? How do we fight against that?

4. What are some ways we can we be more welcoming to poor people or people who may be different than us in our church? What can you do this week to demonstrate mercy to someone you would normally avoid, exclude, or dismiss?

5. What does the statement “mercy triumphs over judgment” mean to you? What are some ways you have experienced God’s mercy in your life? How can you live that out this week?