Bible Text: James 2:14-26 | Speaker: Pastor Rob Burke | Series: Faith & Works Week 4 | Message Notes
Inauthentic Faith:
Claiming to believe without showing compassion
James 2:14-20
Knowing a lot about God, but not loving others. (Academic Faith)
James 2:21-26
Authentic Faith:
Trusting in God by surrendering one’s
life → Becoming a difference maker.
Life Group Questions
Opening Question:
Who is one of your role models? What is it about that person that you appreciate?
Digging Deeper:
1. Read James 2:14-26. What stands out to you in these verses? How would you summarize what James is getting at in these verses?
2. Look at verse 17. How is our faith dead if it is not accompanied by action?
Life Application
1. What are some of the areas where you would say you need to grow in your faith?
2. What are some areas that you have “put your faith into action” and served either in the church or community?
3. How have you seen God use those time of putting your faith in action to grow you and help others?
4. What are some needs you see in our church/community that God may be calling you to action? What fears/worries do you have about that?
5. One of the main points from the sermon was to “Trust in God by surrendering one’s life and becoming a difference maker.” Is there an area of your life you need to surrender? Is there an area where you are currently making a difference or being called to make a difference?