Bible Text: Romans 12:9-10 | Speaker: Pastor Rob Burke | Series: Infinity Wars – Week 6 | Message Notes

1 Peter 2:17

Honor Everyone

Romans 12:9-10

Honor the Family of Believers
Honor those who Lead
Outdo one another in showing honor

Romans 12:10 ESV
Helping People Find & Follow Jesus

Life Group Questions
Opening Question:

Who is one of the most powerful people you know?

Digging Deeper: 


Read I Peter 2:17. What stands out to you in this verse?  What does it mean to show respect?


Why would God mention the family of believers before mentioning everyone? Why do you think we are called to honor those who lead us?


Life Application:


How can power be used for both bad and good? What are some ways you have seen power used for bad?  What about for good?


How do we see Jesus in the scriptures use the power he had? What can we learn from the way He used His power here on earth?


What does it mean to “outdo one another in honor”? What might that look like?


What are some practical ways to show honor to others? What about showing honor to our leaders?


What does it look like to be led by the Holy Spirit and the power that comes from the Holy Spirit? How can we work toward more of the Holy Spirit’s power rather than our own power?