Bible Text: John 1:1-5, 9-14 | Speaker: Pastor Rob Burke | Series: Belief?

Message Notes

What is the meaning of life?

John 1:5, 9-14

Looking for meaning

Amos 5: 24

The End of Meaninglessness

Ecclesiastes 1:1-2
John 1:1-4, 14
Psalm 33:11
Colossians 1:16
1 Peter 1:3-5

Life Group Questions
Opening Question:

Would you say you are more of a planner in life or more of a spontaneous type person?

Digging Deeper:

Read John 1:1-5- What stands out to you in these verses? What does it mean that Jesus is the “Word”? What does it mean in verse 4 that, “in him was life”?
Now look at John 1:9-14. What stands out to you in these verses? How does someone become a child of God?

Life Application:

When you look around at our world, what kinds of things do you see people pursuing in order to fill their lives with meaning and purpose? Do any of these things really satisfy?
Have you ever tried to find meaning and purpose apart from Jesus? What kind of things did you pursue in order to try to satisfy your soul?
How has your faith in God been a firm foundation for you in difficult times during your life?
Why is a sense of meaning so important to us? What happens when we can’t find purpose or significance?
Rob said, “to have meaning in life is to have both an overall purpose for living and the assurance that you are making a difference by serving some good beyond yourself.” What are your thoughts on this? Is this true for your life
Our goal is not to be demeaning towards others who do not believe. We want to love people and at the same time share the hope that we have within us. What are some creative ways for you to share the hope/meaning you have in Christ with your 8-15?
(*8-15 is your sphere of influence. The 8-15 people in your life that you greatly impact.)

Life Group Leaders: Share with your group about how God calls us not to just study but to serve. Begin maybe thinking about a way you all could serve together one day this fall. We will also let you know about a few opportunities we have coming up.

Spend time praying for each other and others you know who may be dealing with skepticism.