Preacher: Pastor Rob Burke | Series: Soul Care
Message Notes
Our Souls Search for Blessings
Blessings Come from the Soul
Your Soul was Created to Bless Others
A Full Soul Blesses
Genesis 25:29-34
Isaiah 55:1-3
Matthew 16:25
Genesis 27:4,19,25,31
Genesis 12:2
Life Group Questions
Opening Question:
Do you have a time in your life when someone blessed you and you were not expecting it?
Digging Deeper:
Look at Matthew 16:24-26- What stands out to you in these verses? What does it mean for us to deny ourselves, take up our cross and follow Jesus? How does doing that actually benefit us and our souls?
Look at Ephesians 1:3- How often do you spend time reflecting and praising God for all the ways He has blessed us?
Life Application:
Rob said that our soul flourishes when we receive physical blessings such as food or sleep. Have you ever made bad decisions when hungry or tired? How do you see these as important to our faith and good for our soul?
Our soul also flourishes when we are able to bless others. Who are some people in your life that can use some encouragement and spiritual blessing? In what ways can you begin to bless others in your life?
Last Rob said our soul flourishes by receiving blessings. What are some of the ways you have been blessed recently by God or someone else? Do you ever struggle at times to receive blessings from others or from God?
Do you feel like your soul is flourishing? If so, how can you share that with others and help to be a blessing to them? If not, what changes do you need to make to get to that place?