Bible Text: Matthew 3:13-17, Matthew 4:1-11 | Speaker: Pastor Rob Burke

Message Notes
Following Jesus is about going from the water to the wilderness

Matthew 3:13-17
Matthew 4:1-11


Matthew 3:17

PLAN for the wilderness
LEARN how to SPEAK in the wilderness
KNOW where your HELP comes from

Matthew 4:11

Life Group Questions

What stood out to you from the sermon this past Sunday?
Look at Matthew 3:13-17- What stands out to you about Jesus’ baptism?
Look at Matthew 4:1-11- What do you notice about how Jesus handles these temptations?
Why is it so important for us to trust God both in the good and difficult times, The water and the Wilderness as Pastor Rob talked about?
In all of this, Jesus knew his identity. Why is this so important for us to know our identity? How does this help us when we face difficult times?