Easter at Wilshire – April 4
Easter is almost here! Be sure to invite your neighbors, friends, and family to join us in person outside on the plaza. 9 am & 10:30! We will have the street closed off so we will have lots of space to accommodate for social distancing. Make sure to invite your friends and family to Easter at Wilshire! WA Kids will be meeting at both services on Easter Sunday. Our services will also be online for you to share with your family and friends.
Invite a friend by clicking sending them this link: link.wilshireave.com/easter and tell them to join you in person or online! Or if scan the QR code below for an instant invite. You can also come by the church office and pick up an invite goodie bag.
He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay.- Matthew 28:6