Speaker: Pastor Rob Burke | Message Notes

Put Him First

Proverbs 3:9
Matthew 6:21

Protect your Heart from Greed

Luke 12:13 -21

Protect your Heart from Greed… Be Rich towards God

Psalm 24:1

Test God with your Finances

Malachi 3:8-12
Isaiah 29:13

Life Group Questions

Opening Question:


Who is someone in your life you would consider to be generous?    What makes them generous?


Digging Deeper: 


Read Luke 12:13-21. What stands out to you in these verses?  Why are Jesus words about money so appropriate for our generation today?  What does Jesus mean when He says, “For where your treasure is there your heart will be also”?
Look again at verses 20-21. What does it mean to be rich toward God?  What makes this man a fool by God’s standards?

Life Application:

If “life doesn’t consist in an abundance of possessions,” what does it consist of? Why do you think we tend to worry and quarrel over such possessions?


What does it look like to honor God and put Him first? If you were to look at your life and especially your time and money, who/what would you say you are honoring first?


Is there something you really wanted and then got it and now has left you unsatisfied? Why do we have a tendency to keep going after things that will fade away?


What are some ways we can protect our hearts from greed? How do we invest in “eternal things” that will never fade away?


Rob closed by looking at Malachi 3:8-12. Have you ever tested God with your finances?  If so what happened?  If not, what might that look like for you?  What steps can you take toward this? How can your group pray/encourage you in this?