Bible Text: Phillipians 2:1-11 | Speaker: Pastor Mark McCormick | Series: Infinity Wars | Message Notes
What are we thinking?

What kinds of thoughts are running through our minds?
What kinds of thoughts are putting down roots
What kinds of things are our minds really focused on?
Why is it so important that we evaluate our thoughts?

Romans 12:1-2
Philippians 2:1-11

Be like-minded.
Be humble-minded.
Be Christ-minded.

Life Group Questions
Opening Question:

What are you most looking forward to this summer?

Digging Deeper: 

Read Romans 12:1-2. What stands out to you in these verses?  What does it mean to be “transformed by the renewing of your mind”?

Read Philippians 2:1-11. What stands out to you in these verses?  How would you describe the mindset of Jesus in these verses?  How can we work to have the same mindset when it comes to our relationships?

 Life Application:

What are your thoughts on the quote Mark shared from Ralph Waldo Emerson that said, “Beware of what you set your mind on for that you will surely become.”? How do you see this to be true in your life?
The first point Mark shared was to be “Like Minded”. What does this mean to you?  It was stated that this doesn’t mean “same minded”.  What does it mean for us to be like minded but not same minded?
The second point was to be “humble minded”. What does it mean to be humble minded?  Why is this so important in our relationships?  How do you see pride and ego ruining relationships?
The last point was to be “Christ minded”. How do you see Jesus being our ultimate example when it comes to healthy relationships?  What areas in your life do you need to work on to become more “Christ minded”?
Mark challenged us to “move away from the self-centered compulsion and seek to have the mind of Christ, to serve rather than to be served, to build up the body of Christ, and to love others with the love of Christ.” What would our lives, church and community look like if we took this seriously?  How can we move toward this mindset?