Bible Text: James 5:1-11 | Speaker: Pastor Mark McCormick | Series: Faith & Works | Message Notes
– How will we respond when faced with trials?

– The Right Response To Trials – Be Patient

– The Wrong Response To Trials – Grumbling

– Examples of Patience: Prophets and Job

In Job’s example, we find encouragement and the power to persevere in life’s darkest hours.

At the end of the trials, God promises to be there with His mercy and His compassion.

Life Group Questions
Opening Question:

What are you looking forward to this Christmas?

Digging Deeper: 

Read James 5:1-11- What stands out to you in these verses?  Why do you think James gives this warning to those that are “rich”? (verses 1-6)
What do you think is the overall message James is trying to get his readers to understand?
Mark shared a quote from a commentary that said, “If there is nothing to endure you cannot learn endurance. You cannot persevere unless there are trials in your life. There can be no victories without battles, there can be no peaks without valleys, no joys without sorrows and no strength without trials and no blessings without sufferings. If you want the blessing, you must be prepared to carry the burden and fight life’s battles.”  What are your thoughts on this?  How have you seen this to be true in life?

 Life Application

Do you consider yourself to be a patient person? Why or why not? Why is being patient such a difficult thing for us?
What is something that tests your patience? Where in your life do you need more patience?
What does it look like to have patience in the midst of difficult times?  How do the examples of the prophets and Job help us as we are going through difficult times?
Looking at verse 11- What does God’s compassion and mercy mean to you? How have you experienced God’s “compassion and mercy” in your life?
How can you help others to experience God’s compassion and mercy? What is something you can do this holiday season to be a blessing to someone who may be struggling?

Spend time praying for each other.  Continue to pray for those you hope to invite to our Christmas services this year.